[Gllug] Fedora and JPackage

Richard Turner richard at zygous.co.uk
Mon Apr 25 19:43:01 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-04-25 at 19:42 +0100, Matthew Cooke wrote:
> Pros of RPM:
> Normally the stuff is put in more standard distro places
> Wrapper scripts such as service start X are installed.
> Better support for swapping JVMs.
> Reproduceable install
> Easily Upgradeable
> Dependancy resolution
> Easy to to deploy the same configuration to multiple servers 
> dev/staging/production.
> The packager has often fixed issues for you.
> Cons of RPM:
> Instructions and support from tomcat/apache/sun etc, might no longer quite 
> be correct.
> Making major modifications to packages after installation loses many of the 
> benefits of using rpms unless you rebuild the rpm yourself - config changes 
> are ok but not src.
> Lot's of people are more comfortable installing from src.

Thanks, that's a nice description of RPMs in general; I take it there
aren't any JPackage/Java specific issues to consider...?

In the end I decided to go down the manual-install route for Tomcat and
JDK - I know where everything is then and it's not scattered all over
the filesystem :)

"Racing turtles, the grapefruit is winning..."

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