[Gllug] re: OSS CMSs

Steve Nelson sanelson at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 16:49:39 UTC 2005

Aaron Trevena opined gently:

>Python lacks the expressiveness leading to code that looks
> like either unreadably terse LISP or overly-verbose Java...

Not if its written by a Python programmer.  LISP programmers who
program in Python might produce code that looks a but like LISP, and
Java programmers might produce code that looks like Java.  This is
therefore evidence for the expressivenes of Python - it lends it self
to a variety of different styles.

> and it suffers from OnlyOneWayToDoIt and NotInventedHere 

Umm.. that's a design feature - see 'import this'.

> no standardised API's between modules like perl's Email:: or DBI:: or Class::
> namespaces

Not true - obvious example is the DB API

> , so python coders have to code around whitespace limitations

I don't see the connection or the point you're trying to make.

Whitespace is, of course, significant in Python which simplifies
things - it removes needless syntax for demarcation blocks.  It also
eliminates indentation errors - if the code is not properly indented,
it just won't run.  And coming back to readability, it enforces a
single indentation style.  These are all advantages, not limitations,
and after a short time begin to make a lot of sense.

> as well as the lack of libraries.

Umm... Python is famous precisely because of its massive set of libraries.

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