[Gllug] is this a big problem?

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Sat Aug 27 20:34:49 UTC 2005

On Fri, 26 Aug 2005, Tethys stipulated:
> ...and back in the real world, Linux is expensive to deploy. Debian or
> CentOS simply aren't viable options in many companies. Once you reach

They're viable, but perhaps not for production servers.

We have a bunch of RHEL boxes running Big Production Jobs, a single
testing box that's absolutely identical to the production box, and a
large bunch of other testing and development boxes which run CentOS
(and some I administer which run Debian).

You don't need RHEL levels of support on every single box, and thanks
to software freedom we can pick whichever is most suitable.

> Yes, Debian and CentOS are fine choices for small businesses, particularly
> those with skilled in house Linux admins. But don't pretend they're viable
> alternatives to RHEL or SLES, because for the target market, they're not.

They are, for non-production systems. Development and testing machines
don't need instant-response support, and TBH if they get totally fscked
vaping them and reinstalling is practical, too.

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