[Gllug] Sluggishness and confusion

David Damerell damerell at chiark.greenend.org.uk
Thu Feb 10 15:24:41 UTC 2005

On Thursday, 10 Feb 2005, Bruce Richardson wrote:
>There are not millions of RHEL sysadmins in the whole world and who
>knows whether the actual number use it because they like it or because
>they have to.  I'm an RHEL syssadmin, after all (have to, some of our
>IBM kit mandates it).  I'll stand up for my opinion compared to the rest
>of them any day of the week and I think the quality of RHEL is rather

Similarly, I am compelled to admin it by corporate policy [1]; but as
for whether I like it, I fairly regularly agitate for us to consider
Debian. RHEL's a mess, and it gets messier every release.

[1] ... and, weasel disclaimer, this should not be taken as stating
anything about my employer's opinions.

David Damerell <damerell at chiark.greenend.org.uk> Kill the tomato!
Today is First Thursday, February.
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