[Gllug] rma rejected + the worst grammer +ever+

Dylan dylan at dylan.me.uk
Tue Jul 5 23:00:35 UTC 2005

On Tuesday 05 Jul 2005 23:45, Martin A. Brooks wrote:
> Dylan wrote:
> > Actually, restrictive (and non-restrictive) relative clauses in
> > English are perfectly acceptable with or without the relativising
> > subordinator. If you want to be pedantic, though, "which" is the
> > (most) correct for an inanimate referent.
> The last post I make on this thread, because it looks like it's going
> to go Godwinwards.

Oh, I hope not.

> I'm detest people who complain about the grammar, spelling and
> diction of people who are not communicating in their native language.
>  I am utterly ashamed that, as a race, the English tend to know
> exactly one language and simply assume that speaking more loudly or
> more slowly is an acceptable compromise.

I couldn't agree more. The only thing in that vein which annoys me more 
is a blind insistance on "proper" English, which is a movable feast at 

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