[Gllug] Email servers.

Chris Bell chrisbell at overview.demon.co.uk
Thu May 12 10:50:34 UTC 2005

On Thu 12 May, Peter Joanes wrote:
> On Thursday 12 May 2005 10:40, Wiehe, Simon wrote:
> > Finally, I am thinking of changing my ISP and getting a fixed IP address,
> > this would allow me to remove the need for POP3 and I could take SMTP
> > inbound. Which software would be best for this ?
> You can get SMTP with a dynamic IP address, by using the ODMR (On Demand Mail 
> Relay) variant. I retrieve mail for a few domains using fetchmail from 
> Gradwell.com, whom I can recommend as DNS hosts.
> Actually, I have a static IP but there are also some other benefits for me 
> such as not needing port 25 open, and (with Gradwell's service) being able to 
> access the spool via webmail. Functionally, it's quite like POP3 but retains 
> the envelope information.
> Cheers,
> -	Pete.

   Demon provide a modified POP3 service which provides the envelope
information, for which fetchmail uses a modified protocol called SDPS.
Fetchmail will retrieve mail for a single user if the configuration file is
held in te user's home directory rather than /etc/fetchmailrc
   The fetchall command retrieves mail for unlimited users at my email
address, but checks that the usernames are valid before download or bounce.

Chris Bell

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