[Gllug] Can anyone spare a SUSE 7.x set?

Justin Perreault justinperreault at dl-jp.com
Tue Oct 11 08:31:39 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-10-10 at 12:29 +0100, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> Justin Perreault wrote:
> > I have been focusing the past year on Fedora with the intention of
> > achieving a pass on the RHCE exam. With Fedora Core 4 the floppy disk
> > install option was removed.
> Why do you need a floppy disk based installer anyway ? I am sure that 
> device will boot from Cd-Rom ? 

There is a CD-Rom drive that exists which can be swapped for the floppy
drive however that is not the one I have.

> And perhaps CentOS might make a better 'host distro' for your RHCE training.

I agree and I am looking into this as well.

> > I currently have an HP Omnibook 900 (PIII 450, 320MB, 6GB) with a TEAC
> > CD-RW via PCMCIA and two Sitecom Ethernet card one is the Fast Ethernet
> > PC Card the other a PC Card Bus. I have been trying to either get the
> > CD-RW or the Network cards to allow access to main packages. I am able
> > to repartition the WIN98 on the drive to free up space for packages.
> humm.. win98, loadlin should still be able to boot your installer images 
> ( use the pxeimages ).. and get things started off for you. Anaconda can 
> install off the iso images hosted on the machine itself. Use the 
> 'askmethod' option when booting the installer, then select local hard disk.

I recall that I used loadlin in the past (10 years ago I think) when
installing my first zipslack on a machine. Too bad I did not stay with
linux from that point.

> > DSM floppy install with main packages on an CF card via USB
> You can always just boot off the usb ( if the device supports that ). 
> And while anaconda [1] does not support installs off USB media, you can 
> either mount the usb as a local hdd with the iso's or the other route is 
> to directly mount the install tree under /mnt/source and install from 
> there. Both options are known to work ( I've not tried either, dont have 
> access to a 2.2GB usb storage device )

USB boot is not available. My usb storage device is 128MB.

> > GRUB enabled ISO booting from the hard drive
> once again, grub can boot the pxeimages [2] for you, you can then 
> continue install from wherever you like, over the net, over a local iso 
> dump etc.
> > CentOS as RH Enterprise Linux might have kept a floppy install.
> no Floppy based installer for either CentOS4 or RHEL4 -> kernel size is 
> to blame. CentOS3, however still has images you can squeeze onto a floppy.
> [1] = Fedora / RHEL / CentOS
> [2] look in /images/pxeboot/ on cd1

I was under the impression that the pxeimages required a network card
that supported that feature, which I do not have to my knowledge. If
that is not the case I need clearer information from somewhere.
Suggestions please.

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