[Gllug] Old disk in new machine *just worked*

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Thu Mar 16 00:31:29 UTC 2006

On Wed, 15 Mar 2006, Paul Rayner gibbered uncontrollably:
> [*1] It kept rebooting at intervals of 10sec-15mins, replaced the
> power supply - same problem, unhooked the reset button, still same
> problem

I've seen thermal problems on AMD boxes cause this; the machine does an
emergency thermal shutdown (or just misbehaves due to the heat, panics,
and autoreboots :) ), and cools down just enough while POST runs that
a short time might pass before it reboots again. Do something else
CPU-intensive, and whammo, another reboot.

`Come now, you should know that whenever you plan the duration of your
 unplanned downtime, you should add in padding for random management
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