[Gllug] Connectivity problems

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Tue Oct 10 22:56:14 UTC 2006

On Mon, 9 Oct 2006, Chris Bell gibbered uncontrollably:
>    Thanks, it seems that Demon have some big problems. It seems that they
> ran out of disc space, possibly due to the way they store logging
> information, and nobody noticed. Their commercial webservers totally failed
> for a few days, and there have been many reports of connectivity problems.
> Their website always claims no reported problems, but you are very lucky if
> you can contact anyone.

So, business as usual at the only ISP in the UK that has to run customer
info regarding faults in their service past the lawyers in case it
affects the stock price?

I left Demon earlier this year, after a two-and-a-half-year period using
them only to collect email. I never regretted it.

How are the mighty fallen...

`In typical emacs fashion, it is both absurdly ornate and
 still not really what one wanted.' --- jdev
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