[Gllug] Photo printing has gone all green

John Winters john at sinodun.org.uk
Wed Sep 27 10:19:44 UTC 2006

Mike Brodbelt wrote:
> That's interesting. I have an Epson RX620, which is an all in one device
> that used the R300 print engine. Prints from Gutenprint have a distinct
> green tinge, IMO. I've filed bugs on this before, but they relatively
> recently re-adjusted the colour matching, and the developers seem to
> think that colour is sufficiently subjective that they'll never manage
> to make al users happy anyway, so you should adjust the balance manually
> if you want.

That's useful to know.  I'm convinced it's a software change that's doing
it because the printing has simultaneously got a lot faster.  The speed is
nice but the green tinge isn't.

No-one who's seen the current tinged output could possibly argue that it's
a subjective thing.  The colour balance is just plain wrong.

Can you give me some clues on how to adjust the colour balance?

>> Anyone any idea what might have made everything go green?
> Maybe your previous print was off a version before the balance was
> re-adjusted.

Indeed.  I was using a Sarge workstation and now I'm using up to date
Etch.  I think I'll install Sarge under VMware and do some tests.


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