[Gllug] Linux on Desktop

Tethys sta296 at astradyne.co.uk
Sat Feb 3 09:50:10 UTC 2007

damion.yates at gmail.com writes:

>> AbiWord and that spreadsheet package whose name escapes me

s/Gnumetric/Gnumeric/ -- it's the best spreadsheet available under
Linux, although now that SuSE have hired the main developer, and put him
to work on OO.o, that's catching up fast, and even overtaking gnumeric
in places. It's still a slow, bloated memory hog in comparison, though
(although it's even getting better in that department, too -- it's just
that it's starting with a huge handicap, and has a long way to go).

>> are a lot faster - shame there's no alternative office suite :-(

What do you mean? Abiword/gnumeric are part of the Gnome office suite,
and Koffice provides a KDE based office suite, both of which are
alternatives to OO.o.

>In general I'm now very disappointed at this group.  So many Windows
>using quitters.  I'm not about to write a further 1000 word essay on
>this, but suggesting Cygwin just to pick one example, makes me cry.

For a start, you're tarring an awful lot of people with the same
brush. I have personally used a Windows desktop at work for about 2
months in my whole career, and even that was because they physically
came and removed my DG AViiON and replaced it with a PC one morning.
Adding the MI/X server let me run xterms on a remote SCO server, and
all was well with the world again.

Secondly, criticizing people for being "quitters" for using Windows
when you yourself are using MS Office via wine, rather than using one
of the free alternatives? A bit hypocritical, don't you think?

Besides which, I haven't heard many claims that people are using
Windows on the desktop. What I've heard is a lot of criticism about
someone installing Linux on a company machine against the wishes of
that company. Seems fair to me. Yes, *some* companies will be OK
with that if you can demonstrate sufficient ability to perform your
normal work. But many won't. And in this case, the person in question
obviously hasn't demonstrated that ability, because his boss in angry
with him.

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