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damion.yates at gmail.com damion.yates at gmail.com
Mon Feb 12 00:50:15 UTC 2007

On Thu, 8 Feb 2007, paul at ma1.se wrote:

> I used to like agency phone "test" or phone "interviews." If you
> have a hands free phone there is the possibility of googling at the
> same time ;o)
> I only got 9/10 in my last phone test did a while back. I failed on
> the "what command would you use to set the speed/duplex of an
> ethernet connection" (or something to that effect) and old fashioned
> me answered miitool and the agency only had ethertool written down,
> though I suppose that is technically more correct now).

There are many drivers that do not support ethtool but do support
mii-tool so this is really unfair.

You definitely need to keep both around.  I'm pretty sure there were
old, possibly binary only (maybe even a.out) apps for link status for
obscure old cards back in the 2.0/2.2 days, MII was supposed to be the
new fancy standard, so I don't know where ethtool came from.

There are certainly cards I deal with that support neither and you
need to check dmesg after plugging the cable in, or hope syslogd
caught it at boot and logrotate hasn't thrown that old thing away
(bloombing linux for being so reliable it doesn't boot in umteen years
:) ).

I've recently only found one card that supported both mii-tool and
ethtool, however their opinion about the maximum Mb/sec rate the card
could support differed.

At least it's not just messy under Linux, Solaris has random ways to
find link status and card capabilities via ndd against /dev/???
depending on the card.


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