[Gllug] Job Advert

Martyn Drake martyn at drake.org.uk
Thu Feb 8 14:34:02 UTC 2007

On 2/8/07, paul at ma1.se <paul at ma1.se> wrote:

> I used to like agency phone "test" or phone "interviews." If you have a
> hands free phone there is the possibility of googling at the same time ;o)

I only like them if they're conducted by the person that's likely to
be interviewing me face to face.  Not agencies.  My worse ever
interview was at Easynet back in 2000 or 2001 (I think it was - can't

The buggers (that's the *polite* word I have for them) got the
interview date wrong and so they had to hastily arranged an impromptu
interview at the last moment.  It was made worse by the fact most of
the meeting rooms were already booked and we had to change twice in
the course of the interview.  It was far too hectic and I don't think
the right questions were asked on both sides of  the fence and
ultimately I never heard from them again.

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