[Gllug] Linux on Desktop

Dick Turpin peter at cannon-linux.co.uk
Mon Feb 12 13:57:44 UTC 2007

John G Walker wrote:
> While not disagreeing with the general tenor of Dan's email, I would
> point out that you can create .doc documents using OpenOffice,

Just to chuck in my three penneth, my daughters have been using Linux at 
home and Windows in school for years they know to make sure it has the 
.doc extension either by the 'save as' feature, be it oOo or whatever, 
or they manually give any document that extension so that homework can 
be taken to school and used there as well.

Funniest thing they ever said to their so called IT teacher was "I wish 
we had Linux its much faster" the teacher apparently looked very 
perplexed and walked off with a face like a bull dog chewing a wasp 
after they showed him a couple of websites!

Dick Turpin
"Stand and Deliver"

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