[Gllug] ADSL2 router help / recomendation

Ryan Cartwright ryan at crimperman.org
Fri Jan 26 12:54:25 UTC 2007

- Tethys wrote:
> On 1/26/07, Ryan Cartwright <ryan at crimperman.org> wrote:
>> Most of the cheap modem/routers/firewalls will do this - just set-up an
>> inbound rule to route traffic on the relevant port/service to your
>> server. For example on the Netgear DG834 this is handled under the
>> Firewall Rules option..
> Not good enough. I want an ADSL box to be a pure passthrough device. I
> don't want to have to set up port forwarding for services I might
> happen to be interested in. I want *everything* to be passed through
> to my firewall box.
> Fortunately, several ADSL routers will do just that.

Including the DG834 - you can set an inbound rule for all traffic
regardless of port, service or protocol. I just mentioned setting it for
the specific one as it's what I do. I run a firewall behind the Netgear
as well - in case the Netgear fails for some reason but I find it more
convenient to have the Netgear filter out what it can and save the
server some workload.

Ryan Cartwright
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