[Gllug] Hello from Cape Town

t.clarke tim at seacon.co.uk
Tue Jul 24 19:12:45 UTC 2007

According to the fairly recent Channel 4 program a considerable number of
Scientists disagree with the current theory of CO2 causing Global Warming.
Apparently it was warmer in the 1500's (or thereabouts) than it is now - and
they had no cars and aeroplanes then!

It seems to be that the global warming thing could well be a modern
manifestation of the Kings New Suit of Clothes.

One thing is for certain, whatever we do here in saving fuel will be dwarfed
by the additional fuel used by developing countries,  who, reasonably enough,
strive to enjoy the same standards of living as us.

If politicians were really honest (fat chance!) they might stand up and say
thyat the planets biggest problem is TOO MANY PEOPLE.   But the subject of
population limitation is, of course, much too a hot potato to handle.

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