[Gllug] Hello from Cape Town

Christopher Hunter chrisehunter at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Jul 25 20:02:40 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-07-25 at 17:00 +0100, John G Walker wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Jul 2007 16:07:21 +0100 Les Matthew <lesmcdm at clara.co.uk>
> wrote:
> > Sorry, my comment was a bit tongue in cheek. I have often seen
> > flooding in the Gloucester/Cheltenham area as I travel to and from
> > Hereford to see my parents over the last 30ish years. I'm sure I've
> > not seen it on this scale before, though I may be wrong.
> You won't have seen flooding as bad as this - or, if you have, you
> haven't seen the worst of the current flooding. There's no record of it
> being this bad before.

I remember the floods in the 1950's - much of East Anglia was flooded,
it seemed.  They were much more extensive than the current batch.

The water meadows outside St Ives were a huge lake when I was there
earlier today, and apparently there's serious concern about the River


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