[Gllug] Converts to Linux

Ashley Evans ashley at k2.com
Wed Nov 7 11:37:02 UTC 2007

Riq wrote:
> <snip>
> The third client was very happy with Linux, till her daughter found a 
> website which would only work properly with IE. As this was necessary to 
> apply for
> a job, I had to install Windows. In this case a dual boot was chosen and 
> IE only used when unavoidable.

It's REALLY great that you're getting Linux out there to regular users - 
nice work!  I hear that (for ubuntu at least) there are APTable packages 
for IE6 -  Have you investigated running IE on Linux?

> I anticipate the next problem will be .docx files. It is really a shame 
> that OpenOffice have still not taken this on. We have a real opportunity 
> with MS users starting
> to receive .docx files and being expected to shell out £££ for Office 2007
> To sum up, we have quite small problems which could be fixed soon if 
> priorities were based on winning ex-MS users.
> We would then start to build numbers of users which would lead to the 
> resolution of browser incompatibility and lead to less perception of
> Linux being a leap into the unknown.
Agreed on both points.  I'm not sure what the challenges are for OOo 
with the various Office 2007 formats but I hope they're sorted out soon.

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