[Gllug] heartbeat 2

Juergen Schinker ba1020 at homie.homelinux.net
Thu Jan 31 17:44:09 UTC 2008

> On Thu, 2008-01-31 at 10:35 +0000, Martin A. Brooks wrote:
>> Hi
>> I'm playing with heartbeat-2 for the first time.
>> I have a machine running xen running two virtual servers.  My first goal
>> is to create a floating IP address between the two of them.
> I configure and support Heartbeat setups,
> but not on Xen machines.
> (In fact I have some good ideas for a very good use for Xen/heartbeat
> but no time to test and implement)
> I went to a seminar at SuSE in Woking last year, where the two guys
> there built and showed an HA pair running on Xen. they use Oracle OCFS
> as the shared filesystem - which is supported by SuSE.
> There is a white paper writeup on what to do on the SuSE site.
>> Without heartbeat running the machines are able to ping each other
>> normally, xen is set up to NAT traffic from them to the outside world,
>> all works as expected.
>> When I start heartbeat up, both machines take up the virtual IP address
> Are you sure the virtual IP address startup is not being configured to
> both nodes as the primary?
> ie. is the IPAddr2 startup being configured to BOTH the hosts (which is
> wrong - it should start up on one only, and the second one brings it up
> on failover).

Hahaha nice approach

you run in a trap

XEN locks the IP to the individual Xen-Guest and forwards packets only

to that IP ...what HB does is not important to Xen

but this seems a solution i havent tried and its dirty



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