[Gllug] Forward of moderated message

Dylan dylan at dylan.me.uk
Mon Apr 27 10:38:04 UTC 2009

On Monday 27 April 2009, Jose Luis Martinez wrote:
> I think its is fair to ask for specificity (of the kind you provided)
> when posting something that at first glance is not directly related to
> our beloved OS.

Alternatively, we could exercise a little lattitude in sharing information 
which several members may well find interesting. After all, it's *one* email 
occasionally (until someone starts an irrelevant rant about being on or off 
topic.) Or are you concerned about the email's carbon footprint, in which 
case recycle your computer and but a carrier pidgeon.


“ ‘... but there is so much else behind what I say. It makes itself known to 
me so slowly, so incompletely! ...’ ”
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