[Gllug] Reasonable graphics card for light 3D / compiz in Ubuntu Jaunty

James Courtier-Dutton james.dutton at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 11:02:22 UTC 2009

2009/8/9 Victor Churchill <vchurchill at softwareshack.eu>:
> 2009/8/9 James Laver <gllug at jameslaver.com>:
>> On 9 Aug 2009, at 19:25, Caroline Ford wrote:
>>> New X doesn't really use xorg.config any more. It's all automagical -
>>> which is great when it works!
>> ITYM 'would be great if it worked'.
>> I'm quite saddened by the move to configless X, not only does it
>> usually get it wrong, but the solution has switched to 'run these
>> commands that interact with the X server' rather than 'tweak the
>> config a little bit'.
>> And the latter requires effort to make it happen every time you start X.
> bit OT, but I have a similar gripe - my Panasonic laptop has a touch
> screen and in earlier Ubuntus I had a custom xorg.conf that mapped the
> XY input exactly to the display. The OOTB one now doesn't. And a touch
> screen that respondsin the wrong place is worse than useless, it's
> downright dangerous ;-(
> --

There is a command that gets X to dump the current auto-detected
config to a xorg.conf type file. One can then use that as a start for
the xorg.conf file in /etc and the next time X loads, it will read it.
So, the auto method can be used in most cases, but the few it does not
work, one can use a manual xorg.conf file instead. I would say that
one has the best of both worlds now.

Kind Regards
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