[Gllug] VACANCY: MySQL Database Architect (Reading, Berkshire, UK)

Joel Bernstein joel at fysh.org
Fri Feb 13 13:40:32 UTC 2009

2009/2/13 Stephen Nelson-Smith <sanelson at gmail.com>:
> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Peter Corlett <abuse at cabal.org.uk> wrote:
>> On 13 Feb 2009, at 12:16, Jose Luis Martinez wrote:
> Very little to recommend Reading.  However, for a junior MySQL admin
> on 30K, a 25K payrise may well be attractive.  A lot of companies will
> also pay for, or at least give a loan for a season ticket which gives
> unlimited zone 1-6 travel, and gets you to the office.

You've got to be kidding. I think my point about
London-people-don't-want-Reading-jobs is well proven if Reading is
prepared to double the salary of junior staff just to attract them.
You can take a junior DBA and stick him in a senior's job on a
senior's salary; it doesn't mean he can do the senior's job. You know
as well as I do that a senior walking into a 25k job would be entirely
out of place and wouldn't last and the same goes for this situation.
Nobody will ever double your salary for doing essentially the same job
a) you're now criminally underpaid and have no real idea of your own value
b) the new job is in such a horrible out of the way armpit location
that you have to offer serious danger money to attract candidates.
IMO :-)

> I think there's absolutely no harm in posting job adverts (within the
> regulations) for positions in "GREATER" London - defined, perhaps, as
> within 1 hr train ride from London.

Disagree. Reading is as somebody just said 27 mins away from
Paddington and that's still too far. A 1h train ride from London would
mean ~3h round trip commute for most London residents. Would you
seriously advocate that for anybody? I'm awake about 18 hours a day.
I'm not spending 1/6 of that time sitting on a bloody train and I
can't quite believe that anybody would. Did I misunderstand you? 1h
total roundtrip commute seems about the feasible maximum before you
start seeing some quality of life losses. 30 mins between home and
office seems about the optimum, and ideally some of that travel should
be on foot / bike so you get some exercise. This seems to be the
difference between good home life and taking bad days out on partner
when you get home.

> I visit clients in London probably 3 days a week, travelling in from
> near Portsmouth.  I used to travel in 5 days a week from near
> Southampton.  There are people happily commuting from Bournemouth
> every day.  There's no reason not to do it the other way around, if
> the job suits.

You must be confusing "happily" with "trading time/life for money".
Those people could presumably work locally at lower salaries but
instead make the loony choice to travel hours a day to work miles from
home because it pays them better. Obviously that's a tradeoff, and my
view on it may be different to yours. IMNSHO anybody commuting 100s of
miles a day needs to really sort their life out. What an absolutely
ridiculous idea.

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