[Gllug] Grauniad Technology

Christopher Currie ccurrie at usa.net
Fri Mar 20 19:26:06 UTC 2009

On : Fri, 20 Mar 2009 12:59:25 +0000 John Hearns <hearnsj at googlemail.com> 

> Jason, I read you loud and clear.
> However, this article is a classic hatchet job - how many people, in
> truth, will persevere to the end of an article?
> Your opinion if formed in any article in the first paragraph - so he
> sets the stage by discussing a situation many years in the past, and
> your state of mind is set for the rest of the article. Even at the end
> of the article he still sows that seed of doubt in your mind - Hey, a
> single Microsoft note taking appllication does not run. Hey, use this
> and your scanner might not work.
> Classic FUD.

and on  Fri, 20 Mar 2009 13:30:52 +0000 Jose Luis Martinez 
<jjllmmss at googlemail.com> wrote:
> I see the article as the genuine opinion of somebody that is curious
> about the full Linux thing, that he is not convinced fully is
> unsurprising, but he praises where he feels prise is due. A hatchet
> job would never do that...

Actually, this is classic Andrew Brown technique. Whatever he's writing about, 
he just loves getting people hot under the collar, and then putting in a 
balancing item later on that they won't read. This creates a furore which 
increases sales

He is a very experienced computer user who enjoys configuring equipment. He's 
probably just trying to provoke, in their Letters column, some steamy letters 
about the wonders of Linux.

What he's forgotten is that the Web version of one of his regular weekly 
columns (not for the Grauniad) was frequently mounted using Suse Linux, even 
though the content-management software required Internet Exploder (which had 
to be run under Wine!) because the office Windows interface to the website was 
so slow and unreliable.

The Linux/Wine combination was 120 per cent more productive.

Oh, and why, when I try to run my USB scanner from my Windows XP VM, does it 
say 'Windows cannot install this hardware'? It wants me to go into the loft to 
get some disk out of an old box. Under Linux, the scanner just works...


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