[Gllug] Intermittent Network Loss on Centos Web Server

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Fri Sep 25 21:45:48 UTC 2009

On 25 Sep 2009, damion yates outgrape:

> On Thu, 24 Sep 2009, t.clarke wrote:
>> Our main server mobo (Asus) is PCI-X   - maybe you only see it server
>> motherboards?
> That seems likely from my experience.
>> From memory its basically PCI souped-up to 64 bits wide, but the slots
>> are backwards compatible.

IIRC it's also faster (133MHz? something like that... Wikipedia backs me
up and as we all know it is *always* right, ha ha)

> I struggled to find much even on wikipedia about this as I'd never heard
> of PCI-X either, but knew of PCIe as being the thing that rendered my
> AGP gfx card useless for new motherboards.

:) of course this is a *feature*, given what an appalling pile of
dysfunctional bus-wrecking crashy locky power-hungry shit AGP is. (TBH
its biggest sins were all GART-related. What nutcase thought *that* up?)
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