[Gllug] VACANCY: Junior Systems Support

Hari Sekhon hpsekhon at googlemail.com
Mon Sep 7 10:50:17 UTC 2009

- Tethys wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Hari Sekhon<hpsekhon at googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Eventually the very slow moving academic world may catch up a bit to
>> where the faster paced IT and business industries are today and perhaps
>> start to allow for credits to experience in particular areas or at the
>> very least certain other common industry qualifications that obviously
>> tick off systems or databases or programming languages etc.
> Personally, I hope that day never comes. Having had the misfortune
> to work with countless talentless morons who had an endless list of
> MSCE / Novell CCxx / Whatever industry "qualifications", I can assure
> you that a degree from any university that grants credit to those with
> such things isn't going to be worth the paper it's written on.
> Of course, that's not a causal relationship. I know several people
> with such qualifications that are very capable, particularly those
> with higher level ones like CCIE. But you simply can't assume that
> a qualification like that guarantees you any kind of minimum level
> of competence. Or indeed that N years real world experience in
> a given area does either. Any university that did would be very
> foolish indeed.
The point is you couldn't get credit even if you did have a CCIE, which 
is ridiculous.

"a degree from any university that grants credit to those with such 
things isn't going to be worth the paper it's written on"

This conflicts with the view that a CCIE is actually good if you can get it.

The CCIE would without a doubt enjoy the better skills and far higher 
salary than the grad, there are so many grads who never even manage to 
get a single IT job... never mind one worth mentioning or a half decent 


Hari Sekhon

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