[Gllug] VACANCY: Junior Systems Support

John G Walker johngeoffreywalker at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Sep 7 10:50:44 UTC 2009

On Mon, 7 Sep 2009 11:22:21 +0100 - Tethys <tethys at gmail.com> wrote:

> Personally, I hope that day never comes. Having had the misfortune
> to work with countless talentless morons who had an endless list of
> MSCE / Novell CCxx / Whatever industry "qualifications", I can assure
> you that a degree from any university that grants credit to those with
> such things isn't going to be worth the paper it's written on.
> Of course, that's not a causal relationship. I know several people
> with such qualifications that are very capable, particularly those
> with higher level ones like CCIE. But you simply can't assume that
> a qualification like that guarantees you any kind of minimum level
> of competence. Or indeed that N years real world experience in
> a given area does either. Any university that did would be very
> foolish indeed.

It seems to me that, if those qualifications are any good, then it
would mean that anyone who'd studied for them would sail through the
equivalent degree module, thus getting credit in a measurable way. Why
take the same thing into account twice?

 All the best,
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