[Gllug] Intermittent Network Loss on Centos Web Server

Peter Corlett abuse at cabal.org.uk
Tue Sep 22 21:59:19 UTC 2009

On 22 Sep 2009, at 22:43, Martin A. Brooks wrote:
> Oh do stop talking bollocks, Peter.
> I have literally hundreds of non-Intel gige networks cards in the DC  
> I'm
> currently responsible for which work just fine, and almost none of  
> them
> are Intel.
> Sure there _are_ shonky bits of kits out there, but spouting crap like
> you did above just makes you look like a bit of a twat,

I'm not going to bother arguing with you or descent down to your level  
by throwing around personal insults, but will just note that it's only  
when they don't work that they're worth replacing with Intel.  
Obviously, if it's working fine, it's not broken and doesn't need  

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