[Gllug] VACANCY: Junior Systems Support

Christopher Hunter cehunter at gb-x.org
Wed Sep 9 17:19:25 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-09-09 at 14:47 +0100, Lesley wrote:
> > 3 million people in council estates and growing is not a small element 
> > though, it's a future generational disaster unfolding.

> I fail to see how that holds.   Housing is not to blame for the generational disaster that is
> unfolding ...housing is mere bricks and mortar or more likely breeze blocks these days. 

No.  The "generational disaster" is due to poor education (and please
don't try to tell me that modern education is in any way "good"), a lack
of discipline (parents are accused of "abuse" if they try to control
their unruly offspring), and a welfare state that suggests that everyone
has "rights" to a reasonable standard of living - often without working
for it.  I am sick and tired of having well over half my earnings taken
by a corrupt government and given to those too lazy to work.

> If you were to start talking on how to rectify exclusionary economic and social strategies of 
> a class driven society which discriminates so heavily in favour of those more privileged by birth and 
> against the less fortunate  ... that might be more relevant to that problem.

Nonsense.  The effective abolition of privilege by successive leftist
"governments" has led to the virtual destruction of British society.
Even Thatcher aimed for a "classless society". This country is now so
badly broken that anyone with a modicum of education or intelligence is
looking for another country to move to!  

"Privilege by birth" hasn't really existed for some generations in this
country, and has been completely ended by this current crowd of
criminals in Westminster.  

The British used to understand their personal positions in society, and
were relatively happy with their lot.  If they didn't like their station
in life, there were real educational opportunities in REAL schools and
Universities, which have been ruined by "comprehensive education" and by
the renaming of every polytechnic and college as a "University", thereby
destroying any last vestige of credibility that British "education" had.


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