[Gllug] Intermittent Network Loss on Centos Web Server

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Wed Sep 23 18:44:32 UTC 2009

On 22 Sep 2009, Peter Corlett spake thusly:

> Assuming that the network infrastructure is otherwise sane and  
> functional, pretty much every intermittent problem with network cards  
> on Linux can be solved by ripping out the useless piece of crap  
> currently installed, and replacing it with an Intel card.

Actually the only network card I have *ever* had problems with at
installation time was an Intel e1000e: the out-of-tree driver worked
but was rather tricky to install with no network connection (a USB key
did the trick), and the in-tree driver at the time transmitted about
ten packets before hitting a nasty race, going silent, and maxing out
a couple of cores with an IRQ flood.

(This was a temporary thing, covering 2.6.30--, but still.)

Mind you I just lost a non-Intel network card to apparent static shock
because I dared the radical and unexpected act of plugging a network
cable into it (floods of 'spurious IRQ' followed by the card vanishing
forever off the PCI bus), so perhaps other cards suck as badly.
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