[Gllug] Black screen, probably a KDE fault.

John G Walker johngeoffreywalker at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Aug 31 19:26:25 UTC 2010

On Tue, 31 Aug 2010 19:55:23 +0100 John Edwards
<john at cornerstonelinux.co.uk> wrote:

> First thing to check it is the 13G is in /media.
> On most systems that is just a bunch of directories that are used
> as mount points and so should only be a few KB.
> I wonder if someone tried to copy some files to a USB stick which
> was not mounted and dumped them on to the root filesystem instead?

You wondered nearly right, except that it was an external drive which
should contain the backups. I looked at that and wondered myself, since
I'd switched the drive off whilst I investigated this fault. I suppose
I just don't have enough experience these days to pick up on my
whiskers twitching.

Now that I've deleted the files it works, as far as I can ascertain!
I'm a bit happier with this solution, since I understand it. And I
definitely owe you that pint now.

Now all I need to find out is why my external drive wasn't mounting.
I think I have to go to the suse forums for that.

Thanks to everyone else who helped, too! 

 All the best,
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