[Gllug] OT: Recommend UK domain host

Martin A. Brooks martin at hinterlands.org
Thu Nov 11 10:53:25 UTC 2010

On Wed, November 10, 2010 13:09, Philip Hands wrote:
> I'm stunned that anyone would be willing to say anything even vaguely
> positive about NSI, let alone be using them since there's been a choice.

I've had nothing but horror stories when dealing with NSI.

*  They once transferred a corporate domain away from me to a company that
had a very similar sounding domain name.  The other company was as puzzled
about it as I was contacting me to find out what was going on.  NSI
refused to comment on how it happened and insisted the domain owner (i.e.
now the other company) would have to transfer it back to me.

* As part of this process they insisted I provide photo identification to
prove who I am.  They're in the States, I'm in the UK.  They accepted a
faxed photocopy of my drivers licence.  They didn't see how this in no way
proved who I am.

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