[Gllug] Forward of moderated message

John G Walker johngeoffreywalker at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Aug 26 10:02:23 UTC 2011

On Fri, 26 Aug 2011 10:32:01 +0100 Tethys <sta296 at astradyne.co.uk>

> GIMP is very definitely similar to Photoshop. Sure, there are
> differences, but by and large, they both do the same thing. The
> interface is different (I personally find GIMP intuitive and Photoshop
> a pain in the arse, but I'm in the minority there[1]). And if you're
> using Photoshop professionally, there's a high chance you're using
> some plugins or more advanced features of Photoshop that won't be
> available in GIMP. 

I agree with all that.

> But to claim they're not similar is ridiculous.

Because I agree with the first bit, I disagree with this.

If someone is using Photoshop professionally, then they're going to
find GIMP inadequate. Even if they're only using it
non-professionally, they're going to find the learning curve for the
very different interface a pain,

 All the best,
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