[Gllug] question about python/perl

Martin mherda at gmail.com
Thu Feb 24 14:14:48 UTC 2011

> As the OP is a web designer, I'd recommend Javascript (specifically 
> the jQuery library) as building interactivity in the front-end is 
> increasingly important.

I failed to mention that I've already started learning jQuery and am 
amazed at how much you can accomplish with it. I don't know Javascript 
itself, though.
> In the back-end I'd recommend learning the best frameworks that are 
> available in your language of choice. That's probably Catalyst (Perl), 
> Rails (Ruby) or CakePHP (PHP) but there are others.

OK, I've seen the term 'web development framework'. I know of CakePHP, 
Django, and Rails. Now comes my dumb question: what are they for? I 
understand that they speed up web development, but how? What exactly do 
they do? I looked at their websites but still fail to see the point in 
them - Obviously it's not because there's none, it's just I don't get 
it. Do they deal with HTML/CSS/Javascript? Do they insert some PHP 
functionality into the website?

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