[Gllug] QT GUI Project

John Hearns hearnsj at googlemail.com
Tue May 10 17:12:35 UTC 2011

On 10 May 2011 17:08, Christopher Hunter <cehunter at gb-x.org> wrote:
> On Tue, 2011-05-10 at 15:53 +0100, Jason Clifford wrote:
>> For many workplaces the reason they run Windows is very simple - they
>> are locked into it either by applications that are only available to run
>> on Windows (which may have licensing implications!) or because they must
>> interchange data which is locked to formats specific to Windows based
>> applications.
> No.  The real truth is that they're scared of migrating to something
> that "can't have any support if it's free".  Really it's just a fear of
> the unknown.  File interoperability and ease of use aren't an issue any
> more.  Secure, stable, cheap computing really is the order of the day!

Chaps and Chapesses,
we are not talking about company desktop computers here.
We are talking about a system or systems for software development in
an engineering led company.
Indeed, it is very common for engineers to have two systems on their
desks  - one Windows for the normal
company desktop functions - email, calendaring, Word, Excel and for
running any applications you need Windows for.
On the other hand up until a few years ago you would have had an
AIX/HP or Solaris box - to run those applications which
need Unix.
Today substitute Linux for Unix and you see the same things.

Hint - I work for an engineering led company.

I'm also opening up the suggestion of using a virtual machine under
Windows if you want to do development.
This is quite a serious suggestion to the original poster - it will
cost you nothing.
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