[Gllug] open source centric ICT in Schools from Sept 2012 ?

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Tue Jan 17 20:59:19 UTC 2012

On 11 Jan 2012, Alain Williams outgrape:

> On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 12:41:48PM +0000, Andy Millar wrote:
>> That said, you can do pretty much anything in Excel, so if someone's bored out of their mind learning how to use Excel it's their own fault :-)
> The problem is not the pupils - many of who will pick up how to use a word processor, spreadsheet, ...
> as taught to them quite quickly.
> The problem is the teachers - many of who struggle and what they teach is at the limit
> of their abilities ...

And, after all, if they were any good they'd not be teaching CS in
schools. (This is an unfair overgeneralization, but if the expensive
private school I went to in the early 90s, *after* the microcomputer
boom, chose to appoint an unskilled bottlewasher to the position of head
of computing[1], I can't imagine what places which don't have enormous
sums to spend on teachers were doing.)

[1] I do *so* wish I was jesting.

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