[GLLUG] Broadband/cable provider [OT]

Matthew Walster matthew at walster.org
Wed Mar 6 10:47:25 UTC 2013

On 6 March 2013 10:39, Alain Williams <addw at phcomp.co.uk> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 06, 2013 at 10:33:40AM +0000, Matthew Walster wrote:
> > I'd say I know 20-30 on Virgin Media, and 10-20 on DSL. The rate of
> faults
> > is roughly equal -- but when it *does* work, by far the superior service
> is
> > obtained through Virgin Media.
> Reliability beats a faster speed (IMHO). If you are out for a day the pain
> is
> far worse than having a slower speed.

Agreed. I've had degraded service or outages far more often with BT than
Virgin. YMMV.

> > Virgin Media support *is* terrible. I've seen NTL/VM National Ethernet
> > installs take over 12 months to provision. However, if the service is
> > *working*, I've always had a fantastic service. My only gripe with the
> > Virgin service is that they overwrite DNS TTLs, but I'm really clutching
> at
> > straws there.
> Because it is, unfortunately, not a crime to:
> 1) not obey RFCs - eg pass the TTL on unchanged.
> 2) screw up your config (like leaving a 60 second TTL forever, not just
>    transition) which encourages the likes of Virgin to do (1).

Trouble is, Virgin intercepts DNS queries so I can't transition to my own
resolvers. I don't want 60 second TTLs, this is true. But I'd like to be
able to test my DNS infrastructure from my home with "dig"!

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