[GLLUG] GLLUG web site (Was Re: Job Posting? not sure this is the right place but feel free to shoot me down!)

Jason Clifford jason at ukpost.com
Sun May 11 15:28:31 UTC 2014

Please excuse the poor posting style. I'm sending from my phone.

I don't control the DNS for GLLUG.org.uk so I cannot do anything for that.
I can put a redirect in place to cover until you can get the DNS updated if
you want.
On 11 May 2014 15:33, "Matthew Copperwaite" <mattcopp at gmail.com> wrote:

> Any one is welcome to pop down on Wednesday evenings to have a look at the
> makerspace :)
> On 7 May 2014 19:14, Andy Smith <andy at bitfolk.com> wrote:
>> Hi Matthew,
>> On Wed, May 07, 2014 at 03:53:08PM +0100, Matthew Copperwaite wrote:
>> > Hi, I have access to edit the site.
>> Great! I see it seems to be a Serendipity CMS - I take it this is
>> something you just have access to edit, no access to the underlying
>> host that it's on, right?
> Yes, exactly. No idea what it's running on. It sometimes seems to become
> quite lossy at the moment.
>> Are you in a position to give out additional editor access if you
>> feel like you need some more volunteers?
> It looks like I might be able to.
>> > I would have liked to do more with the site but I have been setting up
>> the
>> > South London Makerspace which has taken up a great deal of my spare
>> time.
>> Ah, I thought I recognised the name when we were talking about that!
>> > I would be interested to know what needs updating
>> It's mainly that I noticed that:
>>     http://www.gllug.org.uk/index.php?/archives/3-Online-Discussions.html
>> still lists the original list as down and shows the other list info
>> - which no longer exist - there still.
> Yes, anything temporary becomes permanent in this world ;) I knew that at
> the time.
>> I don't think anyone has particularly missed the other two lists
>> have they? Seems like *this* list could do with more traffic even if
>> it is "announce" or "social".
> Yup, totally agree.
>> There's also that the front page looks kind of bad with only a
>> months old meetup advertised but perhaps the fix for that is to have
>> more meetups. :)
> Before the ones I put on it had a 2 year old meeting on it ;) and to be
> honest it is a testament to the guilt I feel about not being able to put a
> meet on recently. I'm happy for people to just name a pub and a time but
> not had many people take that on.
>> > I had noticed the site has sometimes been unresponsive in the last
>> week, I
>> > don't run the servers or the domain, I don't know where they rest, so
>> there
>> > is a demand to update things. Possibly bring it all under the
>> > lug.org.ukservice although not having access to the DNS makes this
>> > harder.
>> Do you keep backups of the site at all, or know who does? That's
>> probably the priority as I suspect the site is run by Jason Clifford
>> who can be difficult to contact, and there may not be accessible backups.
> Good point, I just did an export of the RSS feed though Serendipity.
>> It seems like a good idea for us to get access to the domain
>> registration as well in the longer term, for similar reasons - it
>> would be a shame to lose gllug.org.uk in the event of Jason
>> disappearing.
> Indeed. Would be good to grab even an hour of Jason's time to sort out the
> DNS and resolve this. I know some people have seen him around if you could
> get him to contact me.
>> Cheers,
>> Andy
>> --
>> http://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting
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