[Gloucs] GNU/Linux User & Developer magazine

Guy Edwards guy_j_edwards at HotPOP.com
Fri Nov 14 01:38:44 GMT 2003

On Fri, 2003-11-14 at 00:08, Francis Barton wrote:
> (Guy can you bring the Slackware 9.1 CD with you if it worked ok please?)

oops was I downloading it? I'll get on that.
I've got smoothwall 2.0 beta on cd too if anyone's interested.

> Networking, right... Do you just connect up two machines with 
> a crossover cable and tell them their IPs, like oi you you're 
> going to be and that one over there is going to 
> be and wait for them to talk to each other?

ok a little example
two computers: a and b
make computer "a" an ip address it should automatically do
the netmask for you e.g.

make computer "b" as above but change the last number e.g.
don't use 0 or 255 and stay between those numbers.

You can connect the two together using a crossover cable or use two
normal cables connected to a hub/switch.

> I guess it's more complicated than that. Do I have to do something 
> clever with NFS for them to read each other? Also do they have to 
> somehow broadcast their IPs and if so how do I make them do that?
> Help for this networking newbie appreciated please.

You probably just one one NFS export that they can both read when you
think about it? this should help anyway:

make sure the nfs programs are installed. I think these are:
I use linuxconf to setup my nfs as I'm a coward. If you want to read
each machines file system from the other using nfs then you need to
export your desired folder/directory on each machine as a nfs export (I
use /exports as a folder that's easy to remember).

$> linuxconf --text      
    ---> networking
        -----> exported file systems
            -----> add

type in
 path to export   /exports or whatever you've chosen
 client name      ip address of the other machine
 select the tick box "may write" if you want to do that

            ------> accept
     -------> dismiss
   -------> quit   (it'll probably say something like "something needs
to be done can I make the changes" which you will probably want to say
yes to)

Then the way I'd do it is to mount it on the other machine as
/mnt/fileserver or something similar. Again I'd use linuxconf to do all
options as I find it really easy that way.

You've exported the folder on the other machine before doing this, and
it's just a long way of putting the following kind of example info into
/etc/fstab: (should be all one line) /mnt/filesvr nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,soft 0 0

$> linuxconf --text
      ------> filesystems
          -------> access nfs volume
               -------> add

 type in
 server:  ip address of the other machine here
 volume:  the path of the folder on the other machine e.g. /exports
 mount point:  where you want to mount it e.g. /mnt/fileserver

          --------> mount
 did it work? did you get an error message? If it doesn't work check
your folder names and IP addresses you've entered are right. If it did
work just accept and leave.
         ---------> accept
        --------> dismiss
      ---------> dismiss
     ---------> quit

The stuff from the other machine should now be in /mnt/fileserver.
There's lots of other options with NFS as you'll have seen in linuxconf
but thats just to get you going (and I don't know much more ;-) .


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