[Gloucs] Jobs at MessageLabs

Steve Searle steve at stevesearle.com
Sun Apr 25 15:46:13 BST 2004

Around 12:18pm on Sunday, April 25, 2004 (UK time), David Hart scrawled:

> Really!?  Where do you manage to fit it in amongst your MS stuff?

<and a whole lot more>

I think this is the most ungracious responce I have ever seen on this
list.  Jill was not twisting anyones arm, just letting us know of a
possibility of some work.  Thanks Jill.

> your job they'd _have_ to email you for more info as your web site is
> unusable in both Mozilla and Konqueror.  Lynx simply gets this:

Worked fine for me with Mozilla.

> Perhaps you should contact your "webmasters" and suggest they
> checkout the 234 errors that your company's home page produces at
> http://validator.w3.org/

Whereas checking www.klutz.org.uk produces "I was not able to extract a
character encoding labeling from any of the valid sources for such
information. Without encoding information it is impossible to validate
the document."



(o<     www.stevesearle.com
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