[Gloucs] Redhat 9 binary

Roy M Roy at Farm3.demon.co.uk
Thu May 6 23:05:24 BST 2004

In message <1083845897.409a2d09adb05 at webmail.fish.co.uk>, Francis Barton 
<fbarton at fish.co.uk> writes
>Quoting Roy M <Roy at Farm3.demon.co.uk>:
>> Hi all,
>> I bought a Linux mag [don't know when there is no date on it, issue 33]
>> anyway, on the front was a free Redhat ver 9 binary.
>GNU/Linux User and Developer have recently included RH9 and Fedora Core 1 as 3-
>CD cover-disk sets. FC1 is pretty much RH9 rebranded.
>I would recommend either as a good distro for a "newbie" - and I have a spare
>copy of the Fedora 3-CD set I could post to you if you email me your address
Thank you for your help, much appreciated.
It is a  3 CD set for RH9 so, I _think_ it is the same as your Fedora: 
from what you say. What do you think ?
>Fedora worked really well for me and a good graphical installer and 
>lots of GUI
>config tools included. The set includes pretty much everything except source
>RPMs and support for patented/restricted technologies such as mp3, DVD movie
>playback etc. (these can be added by getting the RPMs at freshrpms.net anyway).
>> I have just gotten around to installing it - with some little
>> difficulty.

Thanx, things move slowly here!
>> It seems to, a newbie like me, to have potential within the way I use a
>> PC. I tried Mandrake, and have bought! M 10; but just cannot get the
>> damn thing to install, anyway I ramble on.
>It should do most things you could conceivably want to do with a home PC.
>You might be able to flog M10 to someone for a few quid, or even better 
>give it
>away to a friend who hasn't used Linux yet!

I'm a bit bothered about doing that, as I could not install it myself. I 
have M8.2 from John, I think, couple or more years back, on my Laptop 
but I have been advised to remove M8.2 before installing M10 and I 
haven't figured out how to remove M8.2 as yet, and not upset the 
Partitioning and [dare I say] win 98! Which my wife uses.
>> What I would like to know is, has anyone installed the redhat 9 binary
>> and followed it up with a full prog purchase, if so did it install OVER
>> the binary ? or does the binary have to be uninstalled first!
>Yes, I have installed it. It is the "full program". All it lacks is the source
>code (that comes on CDs 4-6) - hence "binary" aot source distribution.
>No need to uninstall anything, binary is not an inferior or trial version. You
>have misunderstood the terminology I fear.

Your quite correct!
>Let us know how you get on with your newly-installed system. And if you only
>have 1 CD then let me know I can get you the extra 2 CDs of software e.g. KDE,
>OpenOffice.org etc.
As above, I have the 3 CD's and Open office is there, I've used the word 
processor to do a memo of all the pass-words that I had to supply - 
found that a chore,pwd's -presumably KDE aswell - can't check it is on 
the other HDD, removable. The pwd's I chose initially to ignore, that 
caused a hiccup, so I had to reinstall and enter some.
I configured the printer easily enough, so I'm very hopeful for my 
scanner and camera! I will let you know how I get on with things.

Roy M
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Roy M

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