[Gloucs] Hi

Keith Edmunds keith at midnighthax.com
Fri May 21 14:42:20 BST 2004

On Wed, 19 May 2004 18:59:52 +0100
Mike <mike at beaumonttravel.plus.com> wrote:

> I'm interested in making sure that [a] I am always kept abreast of new
> technology as it occurs so that I can take advantage of it from a
> business perspective [b] my guys are continually "plugged in" to
> creative talent (such as the people on this mailing list) and [c] I
> can put something back into the community relating to the stuff we
> have learnt implementing Linux in a business environment.

Hi Mike

I'd recommend that you or your team subscribe to Linux Weekly New
(http://lwn.net) - it's an excellent way of keeping up to date with
what's happening in the Linux world. It comes out weekly on Thursday,
and you can read issues other than the current one for free. Having said
that, the subscription is very reasonable and, in my opinion, worth it.

Good to see another business using Linux.


  Small business computer support: http://www.tiger-computing.co.uk   
       Linux consultancy: http://www.TheLinuxConsultancy.co.uk

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