[Gloucs] ADSL Modem

Jima Jim_ashford at lineone.net
Thu Jun 16 15:49:45 BST 2005

Christian.Trapp at gmx.net wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi All,
> I decided to take a broadband connection UK-Online. What I need are
> informations about
> 1. a Linux compatible ADSL Modem. Has anybody experiences with a
> special one and where I can buy it?
> 2. Is it a problem with USB? I run Suse 8.1 and USB is sometimes a
> problem (root rights etc.)
> 3. As I run a small network, my ethernet card is already occupied.
> There should be no problem to install a second for the ADSL modem when
> I can't  use the USB?
> Lot's of questions but I never tried ADSL before so thank you for your
> answers in advance.
> Christian

Hi Christian
Try using a Thomson SpeedTouch 510 ADSL gateway from www.nickknows.com 
it is easy to setup and you get four ports, works for me.
Regards Jim

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