[Gloucs] Big brother ... kinda!

Maximillian Murphy m at de-minimis.co.uk
Sun Feb 24 02:50:21 GMT 2008

Thanks for the suggestion.  I've done a trial run with two machines on my LAN and it works beautifully, one way anyway.  I wouldn't sound so surprised but for that fact that the machine running the client was a 128 Mb Pentium 2, before I started 120 Mb was in use and yet it was responsive.  Joys of swap space I suppose.  That said, it wasn't so responsive after I quit.

Now I need to find my address book from under a mound of paper and set up the transatlantic connection.  I had an avalanche.  Life, what can one do with it? <melodramatic gesture />

Regarding the infinite loop, vnc sends a workspace, not the contents of the screen.  On my server I could open a second vncclient to look at the served desktop (i.e. I opened localhost:24) from within workpace 1 and there was no infinite loop.

Thanks all for setting me up!

Regards, Max

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