[Gloucs] Flash....

David Leadbeater dgl at dgl.cx
Mon Jul 12 07:34:38 UTC 2010

On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 02:35:39PM +0100, Anthony Edward Cooper wrote:
> I then went to the adobe and downloaded the tgz variant from here  
> http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/alternates/
> and then simply copied the .so file into /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins  
> (alternatively ~.mozilla/plugins if you prefer).
> Restart and away you go.

Unless you're on 64-bit where Adobe have dropped support. (You might
find the old binary somewhere, but it has unpatched security holes).

My current setup is to not have Flash, but have Flashblock installed
(stops prompts to install flash when a site just has flash ads, etc).
YouTube is still a bit annoying, however the HTML5 experiment means
some videos are playable without Flash (http://www.youtube.com/html5)
or just use a YouTube downloader.


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