[Gloucs] Flash....

Anthony Edward Cooper aecooper at coosoft.plus.com
Mon Jul 12 07:42:58 UTC 2010

Opps yes sorry I sort of assumed that you were using 32 firefox as quite 
a few important non-free plugins for it are only available in 32bit format.


David Leadbeater wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 02:35:39PM +0100, Anthony Edward Cooper wrote:
> [..]
>> I then went to the adobe and downloaded the tgz variant from here  
>> http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/alternates/
>> and then simply copied the .so file into /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins  
>> (alternatively ~.mozilla/plugins if you prefer).
>> Restart and away you go.
> Unless you're on 64-bit where Adobe have dropped support. (You might
> find the old binary somewhere, but it has unpatched security holes).
> My current setup is to not have Flash, but have Flashblock installed
> (stops prompts to install flash when a site just has flash ads, etc).
> YouTube is still a bit annoying, however the HTML5 experiment means
> some videos are playable without Flash (http://www.youtube.com/html5)
> or just use a YouTube downloader.
> David
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