[Gloucs] ANN: February 2012 GlosLUG meeting

Graham Nye glug at thenyes.org.uk
Mon Feb 20 22:12:07 UTC 2012

On 20/02/2012 09:18, Glyn Davies wrote:
> Hi all,
> The next GlosLUG meeting will be tomorrow, Tuseday 21st at Message Labs,
> Gloucester.
> This month, Gerd Busker will talk on the future of High Performance
> Computing.
> Please reply to this email or accept the Facebook invitation to confirm
> attendence. Low interest could mean the event doesn't happen.

I'm hoping to come. I had to "join" the event on Facebook, which seemed
less obvious than looking for an attend button. (I didn't notice any
signup options the first time I saw the notice on fb.)

Graham Nye
glug at thenyes.org.uk

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