[HLUG] Sept LUG Meeting - this Weds & Software Freedom Day Organisation notes

Julian Robbins joolsr1 at googlemail.com
Sun Sep 13 09:53:47 UTC 2009


Sorry its a bit short notice, between family getting colds and a holiday a
couple of weeks ago, our next LUG meeting is on this coming WEDNESDAY, ie
the 16th September, at 7.30pm at Cookies in Leominster (details on website
of meeting venue)

Primarily the meeting's main topic is about the forthcoming Software Freedom
Day http://softwarefreedomday.org/about, which is on this coming Saturday,
ie 19th Sept. SFD is where you can can involved in a worldwide event, where
we can educate and demonstrate to the Herefordshire public what's Linux &
Open Source is all about. The website describes it as* :-

Software Freedom Day (SFD) is a worldwide celebration of Free and Open
Source Software (FOSS). Our goal in this celebration is to educate the
worldwide public about of the benefits of using high quality FOSS in
education, in government, at home, and in business -- in short, everywhere!

We really need to know how many people can help on the day, but to keep
things simple, I have decided that we will do a shorter day, probably from
9.30am to about 2pm instead. This is for 2 reasons :-

1. Only Pete Linnell and myself have so far committed to attending the event
! So obviously we need more LUG members who are happy to help
2. Leominster on a Sat afternoon, is very quiet anyway !

Some good news, I spoke to Mathew, the owner of Cookies yesterday and he is
happy to put up some banners etc in his shop window (where we're are having
the event) this week about SFD, and Linux & Open Source. He also has a
number of Linux Mint PC's he is looking to sell that are pre-installed, so
we have some pc's to demo on, and that the public can actually buy if they
prefer, WITH proper support. So we have a lot of bases covered there. Mathew
is also very much happy to help on Saturday too which is important.

I have some contacts at BBC H&W, so its possible that we could get some
promotion, or even an interview about SFD and ours and Worcester's event.

Time is pressing now, we all have less time than we would like for projects
like this, but please if you're able to either help organise the event,
and/or attend on Saturday reply to this email and let me know when you can
help. If you can only make it for a couple of hours on Sat that's fine - I
know people have busy lives.

Our Wednesday meeting can be used to organise the what's, why's, how's, etc
for Saturday. I'm sure we will have time for the usual linux relaterd
discussions and software/hardware help too.

If you are a lurker, or a newcomer to the group, pls attend on Weds, it will
be a good way to get to know us, and I'm sure Saturday will be a lot of fun.

Thanks for reading

Julian your friendly Herefordshire LUGmaster

PS Further Organisational SFD details to follow soon.

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