[HLUG] HLUG Open Disc 2

Paul Stenning paul at sp-tech.co.uk
Fri Feb 11 12:19:37 UTC 2011

Hi all,

The new HLUG Open Disc 2 for the Document Freedom Day is now finished 
(hopefully) and available here http://www.sp-test.co.uk/hlugopendisc/

You can view the CD-ROM menu system (the links to install don't work 
because I haven't uploaded all the installers), download the ISO to burn 
your own CD-ROM, and see the complete contents list.

This CD-ROM, like the precious one, contains FOSS for Windows.  We have 
added LibreOffice instead of OpenOffice which, because it is a larger 
installer, means that some other programs which were on the previous 
disc aren't on this one.  I feel we still have a good mix which suits 
the theme of the day.

Linux Emporium have again very kindly agreed to produce 100 copies for 
us completely free of charge.  Before we commit to production we need to 
check the disc as much as possible.

If you have a Windows system please download the ISO, burn a CD and test 
it as much as you can.  If not then please look at the menu system, read 
everything and check for clarity and typos etc.

Please post any comments, errors or suggestions etc on this list and/or 
PiratePad by the end of next week, then I have time to deal with them 
and make a new ISO for production.


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