[HLUG] (no subject)

Sarah Chard sarah at streetentertainers.co.uk
Sun Sep 16 13:03:33 UTC 2012

Hi everyone
just to let you know that you can view some pictures from SFD 2012 on
the website here
thanks everyone who came , helped out, contributed time and effort
beforehand and on the day.
It was a long but enjoyable day and we should hopefully have some new
members attending at our meeting on Sept 26th, 7:30pm at The Courtyard
(upper cafe level)
- so do come along if you can.
We'd also like to get some speakers lined up for HLUG meetings in the
coming months so if there is anything you'd like to learn about, are
interested in and want to find out more - or indeed if you would like to
do a short talk on any subject related to Linux/Open Source - do
letJulian or myself know  know or just post to the list.



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