[HLUG] Website and meeting 23rd

Dave Winterton davidwinterton at snail-mail.net
Wed Oct 23 23:05:33 UTC 2013

I'm impressed you have my vote

<-----Original Message-----> 
>From: paul [paul at paulnjulia.co.uk]
>Sent: 10/23/2013 10:40:44 PM
>To: herefordshire at mailman.lug.org.uk
>Subject: Re: [HLUG] Website and meeting 23rd
>Hi Guys,
>Just got back from meeting tonight, and as I am shy and quiet, I
>I would put a couple of points over, through the medium of the world 
>wide web.
>I would like to offer my services to the new website goings on. I have
>little experience of life, but buckets of enthusiasm to learn all
>websitey! So long as I have a couple of email address' of a "geek" or 
>two I'll be fine.
>ps I am offering to help as part of a team, not just to be the voice
>face of the site!! :)
>The other point was I always thought the first question a computer 
>person asks is
>"Well, what d'yer want it to do?"
>I'm not sure if this question was fully asked or answered, and if it
>I apologise for not hearing it! My personal take on this (and it is 
>personal), is I would like to attract new people into the group, I
>like a younger readership, and I would like an educational point to the
>group. We seem to be very pro pi (as in Raspberry) and this was created
>very much for children, so I would like to attract younger parents. 
>Please don't take this as an election Manifesto, unless you vote for " 
>None of the above". Just some thinking out loud and an opportunity for 
>like minded people to come back in support or unlike minded people to 
>shoot me down in a hail of flames!
>pps. Please allow for my sense of humour when reading this :)
>Herefordshire LUG mailing list
>Web: http://www.herefordshire.lug.org.uk
>List: https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/herefordshire

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